cast create2

Generate a deterministic contract address using CREATE2

$ cast create2 --help
Usage: cast create2 [OPTIONS]

  -s, --starts-with <HEX>      Prefix for the contract address
  -e, --ends-with <HEX>        Suffix for the contract address
  -m, --matching <HEX>         Sequence that the address has to match
  -c, --case-sensitive         Case sensitive matching
  -d, --deployer <ADDRESS>     Address of the contract deployer [default:
      --salt <HEX>             Salt to be used for the contract deployment. This
                               option separate from the default salt mining with
  -i, --init-code <HEX>        Init code of the contract to be deployed
      --init-code-hash <HASH>  Init code hash of the contract to be deployed
  -j, --jobs <JOBS>            Number of threads to use. Defaults to and caps at
                               the number of logical cores
      --caller <ADDRESS>       Address of the caller. Used for the first 20
                               bytes of the salt
      --seed <HEX>             The random number generator's seed, used to
                               initialize the salt
      --no-random              Don't initialize the salt with a random value,
                               and instead use the default value of 0
  -h, --help                   Print help